Lisa Spangler
Middle and High School Vocal Music Teacher
I love working at a school where we can incorporate our faith into everything that we do. Teaching students how to worship God through music is such a fulfilling thing to do.
Faith & Life
Mrs. Spangler graduated from Cedarville University in 1998. She taught in Springfield, Ohio for 5 years, and then came back to alma mater to teach in 2003. She went to NorthPoine Christian Schools K-12, and she loved being able to take over the choir program after Mr. Muston (her choir director) retired. Mrs. Spangler is married to Todd, and has 3 children, Eliana, Logan, and Kaitlyn who all attend NorthPointe, and are in the Spanish Immersion program.
Statement of Faith
At NPCS we embrace the Love Mandate in the music classroom throughout the school year. As a group, it’s very important to understand that we are only as strong as our weakest member. We have to become selfless in our class to help each other learn the music. We learn to take care of each other in many aspects, whether it’s emotionally, spiritually, or musically. Unlike the traditional classroom setting, the music class in all about unity and working together at all times. It’s not all about the basses or the sopranos; it’s how we blend together as a group that matters. Music in and of itself is very emotional, and God uses it to speak to many people. There are times when the music leads students to tears. These are amazing experiences as a class as students see God’s power at work. This happens as we minister to a student as a body of believers and work through what God is trying to teach us through situations that develop.
Music is also a tool that we can use to show God’s love out in the community. It is always such a blessing to go into nursing homes and watch the elderly people’s eyes tear up as they are blessed by the music and the students who take time to talk to them. This teaches the students how to love others, and it’s amazing to watch how blessed the students are by this experience also.
The Mission Mandate is so important when it comes to the music classroom. As a choir teacher, I’m not only teaching my students about music, but I’m training them for the future. These students will be our future worship leaders, our future Christian musicians, our future teachers, or perhaps simply a believer who loves to sing for the Lord. I teach them about the art of music, but I also teach them how to worship God with all of their heart, soul, and mind.
I am taking my choir students out into Judea, Samaria and the rest of the world. Some of the choir members have the opportunity throughout the school year to minister right here in our community. We sing at the airport, we go to state music contest, we go to solo and ensemble competition, we sing for the elderly, and when we do those things we have the opportunity to show Christ’s love through our music and our testimony before and after we perform.
The Chorale has the opportunity to carry out the Mission Mandate to an advanced level. We have the opportunity to take the gospel of Christ to so many places. In the community we are invited to many events that are not “Christian”; yet they want us to sing our music and share Christ.
We also get to go to the rest of the world every year. What an amazing experience it is to see these students realize that the world is not about them, for them to see how many people need the Lord, for them to see how impoverished most of our world is, for them to see children who have been abandoned. The joy of my job is watching students become passionate about missions because of our shared love for music. I have had so many students do long-term trips over the summer and I also have students who will be going into full time mission work. As a teacher I couldn’t ask for anything more exciting than to see my students become passionate about serving their Lord and Savior wherever He calls them.