Your Giving Impacts LivesSupport NPC
- Tuition Assistance
- Investing in our Future
- Operating Expenses
- Ways to Give

Tuition Assistance
NorthPointe Christian has committed to raise $400,000 – $500,000 each year towards tuition financial assistance to help parents who may not have the means to provide their children a Christian education. Individual donors are critical to helping us widen our outreach to these families. Businesses and individuals can also help meet these needs through donating items to or becoming a sponsor of our Tuition Assistance Auction.
Investing in our Future
Capital Campaign
Our Capital Campaign is much more than a building project. It’s a bold step of faith. This project addresses our growing need for new learning spaces; we are excited to turn our vision into reality. Join the many NPC families in taking this step together!
Watch an exciting announcement from Todd Tolsma, Head of Schools.
Educational Foundation
Your financial support of the NorthPointe Christian Educational Foundation keeps on giving because the principal is invested, and your gift will generate dividends. Gifts to the Foundation include cash, property, and stocks. All gifts are tax deductible and help to provide long-term financial security for NPC.

Operating Expenses
In order to keep Christian school affordable for families, NorthPointe Christian only requires families to pay approximately 90% of what it costs to educate a child. We rely on donors like you to help us cover the remaining 10% of expenses to help cover the gap between our tuition costs and the actual cost of educating students.

Ways to Give
- By check: Send a check to NPC, 3101 Leonard St. NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49525. Or bring it to any school office.
- By credit card
- For recurring giving, gifts others than monetary, and planned giving, email Deb Diepenhorst, Director of Development
- Make NPC your charity on Amazon Smile. Amazon sends quarterly checks to NPC.