Megan Willink
Middle School Principal
I love working at NPC! It truly feels like family. I love getting to know students and learning how incredibly special God has made each one of them. I am humbled that I have the amazing opportunity to point students to the cross on a daily basis and help each of them see their value. I feel privileged to partner with staff and parents who want to equip students to impact their world for Christ.
Faith & Life
Mrs. Willink graduated from Cornerstone University and has taught a variety of grades before becoming a principal. She taught both 2nd and 4th grade at a public and charter school and 6th and 8th grade at NPC. She has coached basketball and soccer over the years and loves the NPC community. She loves working with Middle School students and has a strong desire to build belonging for this age group while helping students see how special they are as image bearers of Christ. Mrs. Willink and her husband Brett, have 3 daughters who keep them very busy. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, playing games with her family and watching her daughters play sports!