Melissa Kutch
High School Math and Science Teacher
I love helping students discover how Christ is present in the everything around them! Everything we learn in science about the complexity of our world points to an intelligent designer, God. Showing students the wonder of God’s creation every day brings me joy!
Faith & Life
Mrs. Kutch graduated from Concordia University Wisconsin and is excited for her first year at NPC! She taught middle and high school science in Minnesota for the past seven years. This summer, she moved to Michigan with her husband and two young daughters in order to be closer to family. Mrs. Kutch is excited to be teaching and coaching robotics this year! In her spare time, Mrs. Kutch enjoys playing board games, scrapbooking, and baking.
Statement of Faith
The Love Mandate: In Matthew 22:37-38, God calls us to love Him and love our neighbors. Science classes at Northpointe provide the perfect opportunity to learn material that can be applied to loving and helping others. As in any NorthPointe classroom, students in my science class learn to respect their neighbors and God by their words and actions. They also learn concepts uniquely suited for helping others. In my science classes, students are learning skills and knowledge that can be applied in the fields of medicine, engineering, and laboratory work. These fields are constantly working toward inventions and innovations that are designed to help people live healthier, better lives. Using the knowledge God has given us to improve lives enables us to give glory to God by loving others.
The Mission Mandate: In Matthew 28:18-20, Christ calls us to go and make disciples and lead others to Him. Through learning about God’s creation in science class, students can learn enough about the world to explain to others how we know it must have been created by an intelligent being: God. In science class, students learn how to interpret data for themselves, and in turn show that information found in the world today points to the Bible’s reliability.
The Image Mandate: Genesis 1:26 and 28 discusses the creation of man in the image of God and the calling of man to rule over creatures in the Earth. God has called us as humans to be more than animals. We are given souls, and brains that can think critically. Science classes build upon this ability. We are able to discover answers that demonstrate the truth of an intelligent God creating us, and we are able to come up with ways to improve our lives and the lives of those around us. Additionally, we are called to rule over all the creatures on the Earth. In science we study the creatures of the Earth so that we can best know how to care for them.