Shon Cottle

Athletic Director and High School Assistant Principal
Year Start At NPC: 2012

I love working at NorthPointe and use my role as an opportunity to help kids find their true identity. In a world that teaches kids to be all about themselves, I want them to understand that their identity is ultimately in Christ and all the skills, abilities, and activities we have are just a bonus and to be used to bring glory to Him. Aside from that, I love that the staff and students are just like an extended family.

Faith & Life


Mr. Cottle graduated with a bachelor’s degree from Grand Valley State University and a master’s degree from Western Michigan University. He spent 8 years working as a counselor in a public school, transitioned to a staff role at a church for a little over a year before coming to NorthPointe as a counselor. After 7 years in the counseling office, Mr. Cottle transitioned into his current role as AD/Assistant Principal. Mr. Cottle has 3 children, 2 who are NPC alum, Austin ’14, Alyssabeth ’17, and then Makenna who is part of the class of ’23. Mr. Cottle is originally from the U.P. and now he and his wife Melissa and their family reside here in Grand Rapids. In his spare time, Mr. Cottle enjoys all things Disney.

Statement of Faith

I firmly believe that Christian education is a ministry and furthermore requires a calling into ministry.  I believe the Lord has given me a distinct calling into full time ministry. God has called me to “feed His sheep.” In John 21 there is a dialogue between Jesus and Simon Peter. Peter had previously denied Jesus.  Through this Scripture Jesus reinstates Peter and directs him to follow Jesus. Jesus asks Peter three times if he loves Him. Each time Peter replies, “You know I love you” and Jesus responds, “Feed my sheep.” I have had this call on my life from the time I was in high school; however my personal denial of Jesus was not following that call but taking a very parallel course into public education. A few years ago the Holy Spirit made it clear to me that I, like Peter, am to “Feed His sheep.”

Finally after over 15 years of adult life, I surrendered to this call. I attended a two-year Bible school called EPIC School of Ministry. With my public school career pulled away from me due to financial cuts in public education, I did not fret or worry. I turned directly to the Lord. He quickly placed me in a full time ministry position within my local church. I thought I had arrived at my God-planned destination. During this time I learned about humility and leaning on the grace of the Lord. Through a few God-ordained relationships I was led to NorthPointe Christian where I am truly fulfilling my life calling. This is full time ministry. I carry it out in these ways:

The Love Mandate: Matthew 22:37-39 says to “Love the Lord your God… and to love your neighbor as yourself.”  The Bible tells us that love is the greatest commandment. As a counseling department, our mission is to love each and every student and to nurture them into the young men and women God has called them to be. God’s love is unconditional. We strive to be warm, welcoming, and loving to all the students of NorthPointe Christian, regardless of the circumstances surrounding them. Our God is bigger than any circumstance in His children’s lives.  We give them love with no strings attached.

Mission Mandate: In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus says to “Go and make disciples of all nations….”I feel this great commission is a large part of my calling. As a counselor at NorthPointe Christian, it is my heart’s desire that each student leave this place knowing who he/she is in Christ. We will arm them with the Word so they can successfully go into the world and win them for Jesus Christ.

Image Mandate: Genesis 1:26 says, “Let us make man in our image….” It is so humbling and honoring to think that we as well as each student that comes our way are made in the image of the great Creator. We are meant to be like Christ in every way. As a counselor I have the opportunity to remind students that as they accept Jesus Christ and seek to live for Him, they are perfect in God’s eyes and called to be a strong reflection of Him. He has created them to accomplish the mission He has called them to.

Ecclesiastes 4:12 says “A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”  As a counselor at NorthPointe Christian School, I have the incredible opportunity to come along side families (students and parents) and, most importantly, God to form a three-strand cord of strength and Christian character with the students so when they leave,  they will not be easily broken.

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