Heidi Hudberg
Middle and High School Art Teacher
I love being a part of the NPC family and being able to help students see the relevance of art and artistic expression in a healthy and balanced life. I especially enjoy helping those who didn’t know that they could enjoy art class realize that they connect with the creativity God designed us with. My faith informs how I pursue my own art with excellence, and how I encourage students to do their best with the talents that God has given them.
Faith & Life
Mrs. Hudberg graduated from Mount Allison University in New Brunswick and went on to study at Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. She enjoys painting and printmaking, and in their free time, she and her husband and their sons spend time outdoors together and travel to visit family in Canada and Mexico.
Statement of Faith
“The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it’s indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it’s indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it’s indifference.” – Elie Wiesel
When we imagine and create, when we develop and use the artistic ability instilled in us, we are retrieving part of our created identity and reflecting our Creator. In both process and product, visual art allows us to connect and share with others. It tells us about ourselves, helps us tell our stories, and allows us to hear the stories of others in a deeper and fuller way. It broadens our understanding of others; it breaks down assumptions and barriers; it is a way of learning about God and gives us opportunity to know Him and each other more.
Art can express a sentiment, inform a viewer, change a perspective, and encourage reflection. It can reinforce a belief or challenge long-held assumptions. It is a means and an end, a tool and a product. It can be used to teach us about God as we understand how our minds work in the creative process.
Art and artistic expression does not belong to a specific group of people; it is vital that people of faith continue to express faith and further the Kingdom of God in our communities. My goal is not to avoid exposing students to the world, but to equip them to engage and impact it. I want to teach students how our Christian beliefs and being made in God’s image influences our decisions in what we create and how we create it.
Art is both the creative process and the finished product. Art has the power to move us. It can speak to a part of our mind and soul that words may not reach. It can ask a question that forever changes the viewer. Art can teach, its discipline harnessing and focusing the creative mind. It can heal. It can soothe the shattered heart; the creative process can cover and unify scattered thoughts. Art reminds us that the Kingdom of God, with its power is here and now.